膀胱腫瘍 治療と遠隔成績
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have experienced 154 cases of the urinary bladder tumor for the past ten years, from Jan. 1961 to Dec. 1970. 119 of 154 cases received some kind of treatments for the urinary bladder tumor. A follow-up study was also made as well as the statistical observation. 1) The incidence of urinary bladder tumor was 1.6 % to the total number of new outpatients and 5.7% to inpatients. 2) The total number of urinary bladder tumor was 154 with 100 males and 54 females. The male to female ratio was 1.87:1. 3) The age distribution was as follows: 2 in the second decade, 2 in the third, 10 in the fourth, 24 in the fifth, 32 in the sixth, 43 in the seventh, 36 in the eighth and 5 in the ninth. 4) Treatments of 119 cases consisted of 11 total cystectomy, 23 partial cystectomy, 47 TUR and 38 other ways. 5) Histological patterns of the tumors consisted of 76 transitional cell types, 9 squamous cell carcinomas, 3 adenocarcinomas, 2 leiomyosarcomas, 1 basal cell carcinoma and 1 undifferentiated carcinoma. 6) The correlation of tumor cell type and stage was as follows: Many of transitional cell type and one case of undiffentiated carcinoma belonged to low stage group. All squamous cell carcinomas, adenocarcinomas, leiomyosarcomas and basal cell carcinoma belonged to high stage group. 7) The correlation of tumor cell type and grade was as follows: Many of transitional cell type belonged to grade 3 and all other tumors belonged to grade 4. 8) Follow-up studies: (1) As for 5-year-survival rate after the various treatments, it was 0 % in total cystectomy, 20.0 % in partial cystectomy and 60.0 % in TUR. (2) As for 5-year-survival rate by the histological classification, it was 50.0 % in transitional cell type, 0 % in squamous cell carcinoma and 33.3 % in adenocarcinoma. (3) As for 5-year-survival rate by the depth of infiltration, it was 87.5 % in the low stage group and 12.9 % in the high stage group. (4) 5-year-survival rate of all the cases was 39.3 %. (5) Recurrence rate after TUR of high stage group was fewer than that of low stage group. (6) As for 5-year-survival rate after TUR, it was 85.7 % in low stage group and 27.3 % in high stage group. TUR was assumed to be the best urological treatment of choice in the vast majority of the urinary bladder tumors, especially in the cases of low stage group.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
- 1972-05-00
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