[原著]末期癌患者への告知における癌看護の役割に関する研究 : 看護者を対象にした意識調査から
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The purposes of this study are to grasp the nurses' awareness concerning the notification to patients who are diagnosed with terminal stage of cancer, and to learn nurses' expectations in oncology nursing. The respondents (526 nurses), working at five general hospitals in Okinawa were questioned, and the response rate was 87.8%. The findings were; 1) If I were diagnosed with a terminal stage of cancer, I would like to be notified straight, It is cancer. However, if any of my families were diagnosed with the same disease, I would not like him/her to be notified straight, It is cancer. (p<0.01). 2) The reasons of the nurses who would like to be notified straight about the terminal stage of cancer were identified, which included I would like to plan how to live the rest of my life (78.6%), I would like to know everything about my health status (60.6%), I do not wish to bother my families (45.0%), I would like to face and fight against my disease (40.4%), I do not wish to bother people at work (28.4%), and Even if not told, I will eventually find out the truth anyway (25.4%). 3) More than 90% of the respondents noted that nurses should stay with a patient while diagnosis of cancer was notified by his/her physician. 4) On the care of cancer patients, some insufficiencies were pointed out which included mental support for the patients or/and their families, time to spend with the patients, and specialty of oncology nursing (e.g. knowledge, technical skill). 5) Only 22.4% of the respondents knew that a Master's program for Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist (OCNS) exists in Japan. However, 92.3% of the respondents noted that the role of OCNS is important. Adding to the essentials of fundamentals of nursing, high leveled specialty is required in oncology nursing. Today, approximately 30% of Japanese die from cancer, and the number of people with cancer is increasing. In order to improve quality of life (QOL) of patients with terminal stage of cancer, establishing high leveled oncology nursing is expected soon in the near future.
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