[原著]沖縄県における在宅要介護高齢者虐待に関する研究 : 看護職に対するアンケート調査より
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The purpose of this work is to clarify the state of abuse of the elderly living at home in Okinawa and to discuss supporting guidelines for prevention. We distributed questionnaires to 183 home-visiting nurses in Okinawa for their subjective description of their elderly clients. We obtained 150 responses (response rate: 82.0%), in which 85 cases of abuse were observed; 21 cases were male (24.7%), and 64 cases were female (75.3%). The major results of the nurses' observations were as follows; 1) Refusal to provide care and neglect were mentioned by 51 subjects (60.0%), followed by psychological and emotional violence, physical violence, etc. The abuse against a single elderly was not restricted to one type. 2) Women, mostly over 75 years old, were more abused than men. 3) 57 of the elderly (67.1%) were bedridden, and 61 (73.5%) were demented. 4) The main caregivers of the elderly were mostly spouses, followed by daughters-in-law and sons. 5 ) The nurses' perception of the attitude of the elderly to the abuse were mainly the elderly was accepted it as inevitable, they are afraid to talk about it, they are trying to hide the abuse, etc. 6) The rate of male to female abusers was nearly equal. The abusers were mostly in their 50's. In the family relationship to the elderly, the abusers were sons, spouses, and daughters in order numbers. 7 ) The abusers were observed to be mostly the main caregivers. 8) The abusers felt care giving to be burden. 9) Regarding the causes of abuse, the largest number of abusers appeared to be acting out their own mental pain and stress against the elderly. Another cause appeared to be that the past mutual relationships between the elderly person and the caregiver had been one in which the elderly person had abused the caregiver. The above results suggest that the development of a comprehensive scheme for the care with support of the elderly m Okinawa is required. Health professionals and those in the welfare and medical fields should cooperate to protect the elderly from abuse by supporting to the caregivers.
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