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The case is an 85 year old woman and was admitted to our hospital with late comphcations of cerebral thrombosis which occured 13 years ago. The patient had redness and swelling of her eye lids since 26 June, 1997. She was treated with steroid ointment on 30 June. The very next day, the skin lesions changed to blisters and then formed pustula with subsequent scab in a few days. Blood examination revealed leukocytosis, anemia and hypoproteinemia. Anti-herpes simplex virus neutralizing antibody, specific IgG antibody and specific IgM antibody was positive. Antigen detection test for Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) using monoclonal antibody (Micro Trak test) was positive from skin smear specimen. We diagnosed HSV blepharitis. The skin lesions cured spontaneously. It was thought that old age, hyponutrition and the use of steroid ointment was the cause of reactivation of the HSV.
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