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To determine an effective and safe intravenous anesthesia during ultrasonically guided oocyte retneval for in vitro fertilization, we compared three methods of intravenous anesthesia as a double blind study. Thirty patients scheduled for elective ultrasonically guided oocyte retrieval were randomly divided into three groups (10 patients per group) according to the intravenous agents received; the pentazocine with diazepam group, the fentanyl with midazolam group and the fentanyl with diazepam group. Cardiovascular, respiratory and analgesic effects of intravenous anesthesia by these three methods were evaluated by monitoring blood pressure, ECG, S_pO_2, arterial blood gas analysis and pain score. The incidence of intra-operative severe pain was 10 % in patients in the group which received pentazocine, but was 0% in patients in the groups which received fentanyl One day after operation, forty percent of patients who received midazolam recalled intra-operative pain, however, only 10% of patients who received diazepam had any memory ofintra-operative pain. After introduction of anesthesia, hemodynamic changes were slight. but there were significantly increased P_aCC_2 and decreased P_aCC_2 in all groups, compared to pre-anesthetic values (p <0. 05) , although there was no difference between the three groups. From these results, we concluded that intravenous anesthesia by fentanyl with diazepam offers adequate analgesia and sedation for patients undergoing ultrasonically guided oocyte retrieval. However, it is necessary to monitor the patient's vital signs, especially respiratory depression.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
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