[原著]歯科口腔外科外来初診患者の臨床統計的観察 : 昭和61年-昭和63年
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The authors have performed a clinico-statistical observation during the past 3 years (1986-1988) on new patients of the Department of Oral Surgery, School of Medicine. University of the Ryukyus. The results are as follows; 1. Of the 4,394 patients, 2,174 were males and 2,220 were females with a male female ratio of 1.0:1.2. Patients in there twenties (760 out of 4,394) were the most numerous in age distribution. 2. The ratio of dental disease (1,061) and oral surgical disease (3,333) was 1.0:3.1. Oral surgical disease occupied over 65% in all age-groups. 3. 50.6% (1,932 out or 3,819) patients were referred to us from other dental and medical facilities. 4. All the cases were classified based on the clinical diagnosis as follows ; inflammations(647 cases : 19.4%), temporomandibular joint disease(396 cases : 11.9%, traumas (388 cases : 11.7%), tumors (363 cases : 10.8%), malformations and transformations (338 cases : 10.1%), mucosal disease (279 cases : 8.4%) and cysts (270 cases : 8.1%), etc. 5. The most frequently observed disease in each category was pericoronitides of wisdom teeth in inflammations, clefts of lip, alveolus and/or palate in malformations and transformations, non-odontogenic tumors in benign tumors and cancers in malignant tumors.
論文 | ランダム
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