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We reported the results of the event-related potentials (ERPs) and the intellectual dyfunction in chronic alcoholics. Ten male alcoholics and 10 age and sex matched healthy controls were tested. All alcoholics were inpatients who received medication. The alcoholics had been abstinent from alcohol fora period ranging from 20 days to 2 years. ERPs were recorded during prsentation of auditory stimuli using odd ball paradigm. The stimuli consisted of 1 KHz tone bursts referred to a frequent (non-target) stimuli and 2 KHz tone bursts referred to as rare (target) stimuli. The probabilities of frequent stimuli and rare stimuli were 0.8 and 0.2, respectively. The subjects were instructed to count the number of the rare tones. The EEG was recorded from midline frontal (Fz) , central (Cz). and parietal (Pz) referred to linked earlobes. The amplitudes of the various components were measured from a prestimulus baseline and were taken at the point of maximum positivity or negativity for the peak. The latencies were measured at the apex of each peak. For statistical analysis, analysis of variance and 2-tailed t-test were applied. While there were no differences for 3 components of ERPs(N100, P200, N200) between the alcoholies and the healthy controls, the amplitude of P300 was smaller in the alcoholies than the controls (at Fz, Cz, Pz; P<0.01-0.05). The latency of P300 was longer at Pz (p<0.05) in the alcoholics than the controls. With respect to the three psychometric tests, i.e. Hasegawa's dementia screnine scale, Benton's visual retention test and WAIS (digit span), the results were worse in the alcoholics than controls (P<0.01). Regardingthe relationship between the psychometric test and ERPs. there were the correlations for all psychometric tests and the amplitude and latency of P300 (pく0.01-0.05).
- 琉球大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyusの論文
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