[調査報告]沖縄県における HBV 感染の疫学 : HBs抗原, 抗体保有率とサブタイプの分布
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The examination of sera for HBs antigen and HBs antibody were carried out on 2,222 inhabitants in four village (Yonashiro, Minamidaito, Aguni, Tokashiki), Okinawa on 1983. HBs antigen was found in 3.7% among all examinees, and the higher positive rate was seen in the age groups 20-29 and 30-39. The positive rate of HBs antibody presented 36% totally, revealing higher rate with aging. And there was remarkable difference of the positive rate of HBs antibody between the age groups of less than 30 years old and that of over than 30 years. In the serological investigation for HBe antigen and HBe antibody on 81 asymptomatic HBs antigen carriers, HBe antigen was positive in 6 cases (7.4%) and HBe antibody in 69 cases (85%), respectively, It was noticed that among 68 HBV carriers of the age group over than 30 years old only two cases were HBe antigen positive. Among 185 HBs antigen positive sera obtained in this study, their antigen classified into two subtypes, adr and adw, the former 47 (25%) and the latter 138 (75%).
- 琉球大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyusの論文
- [原著]沖縄県宮古地区におけるHBV感染の現状
- [調査報告]沖縄県における HBV 感染の疫学 : HBs抗原, 抗体保有率とサブタイプの分布
- [症例報告]肝サルコイドーシス3例についての検討
- [原著]粟国村におけるHBV感染の疫学
- 沖縄県におけるHBe抗原・抗体に関する疫学的研究