[症例報告]Lymphomatoid papulosis 様皮疹が出没した atypical ATL の1例
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A case of lymphomatoid papulosis-like skin eruption repeatedly appeared in a 62-years-old female was reported. Skin eruption first appeared as papules, forming central concavity on the top, then cured in the end with some pigmentation. It would suggest that it could be an atypical ATL from the appearance so called flower cell in the peripheral blood as well as low OKT 4, high OKT 8, positive anti-ATLA antibody and positive ATL antigen on one hand, but cells infiltrating to epidermis and dermis of the specific skin eruption showed negative Leu 1, negative Leu 3a, positive Leu 4, positive Leu 2a, and positive Leu HLA-DR by immuno-chemical stain method as in the peripheral blood on the other hand.
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