[原著]亜熱帯環境下における脳血管障害 : 特に脳動脈瘤,脳動静脈奇形について
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The occurrence of cerebrovascular diseases in subtropical area, especially aneurysm and arterio venous malformation was analyzed. 132 cases of cerebrovascular diseases which were admitted in our Neurosurgical Department during the period from 1974 to December 1983. Of the 132 cases, 104cases had an anuerysm(solitary 90 and multiple 14;ruptured 95 and unruptured 9 cases), 19 cases had an arteriovenous malformation, and 9 cases had an unknown etiological subarachnoid hemorrhage. In conclusions; 1. Seasonal change was not the major factor for the occurrence of subarachnoid hemorrhage. 2. Aneurysm is located at the internal carotid artery (41 cases), anterior cerebral artery (27 cases) and middle cerebral artery (17 cases) among 90 cases of solitary aneurysm. 3. Age distribution of aneurysm shares at the 4th to 6th decade (78 in 104 total cases : 75%). 4. The sex incidence of aneurysm was predominant in women to men in a ratio about 1.6 : 1.5. Arteriovenous malformations were located at the parietal lobe (8 cases) and frontal lobe (6 cases)out of 19 cases. The second decade (10 cases) and male (15 cases) were preferable in age and sex respectively.
論文 | ランダム
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