[症例報告]大腸のVillous Tumor
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A case of villous tumor with malignant change of the sigmoid colon in a 57-year-old man is reported herein. The patient was ademitted to the University Hospital with a diagnosis of colonic villous tumor for surgery on 19 September, 1985. On admission, he was a healthy-appearing man with no abdominal distress. Laboratory studies were within normal limits except for positive fecal occult blood. Barium enema studies and endoscopic examination revealed a sessile villous tumor of the sigmoid colon. Sigmoidectomy with nodal dissection was carried out. Grossly, the tumor was 3X3X2.5cm in size and soft with the villous surface. Histologically, it was composed of villous adenoma with welldifferentiated adenocarcinoma, which had involved to the submucosa with no lymph node metastasis. The patient was placed on inmmuno-chemotherapy postoperatively and has been doing well 16 months after surgery.
- 琉球大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyusの論文
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