[症例報告]Borrmann 4型胃痛と誤診した出血性悪性リンパ腫の1治験例
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A case of malignant lymphoma of the stomach secondary to systemic disease grossly similar to infiltrating carcinoma with a massive bleeding is reported herein. A 68-year-old man had been placed on combination theqapy for his malignant lymphoma for the past 2 years. On November 21, 1985, he developed a sudden onset of massive hematemesis, and was treated conservatively, but his hemtemesis was not improved. He was referred to our department for surgical treatment. At operation, the involved stomach grossly mimicking infiltrating carcinoma was filled with clotted and fresh blood. Total gastrectomy was carried out. The resected stomach was diffusely infiltrated by malignant lymphoma (non-Hodgkin) with the eroded artery in the base of the ulcer which was considered as a cause of massive bleeding. The patient was uneventful postoperatively, but expired 6 months after surgery with clinical manifestations of systemic malignant lymphoma which was verified by necropsy.
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