日本の小説に見える要求・依頼行為 : 人間関係に基づいた談話構成と礼儀方法 <原著論文>
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This study examined the request behaviors in Japanese novels and scenarios. We analyzed the behaviors of the addresser by looking into discourse structures and politeness strategies according to the differences in social and psychological distances between the addresser and the addressee.We referred to the politeness strategies of Brown & Levinson(1987) and set up the following strategies: (1) without redressive action, baldly, (2) positive politeness strategies, (3) negative politeness strategies, (4) off record, (5) Don't do the FTA(Face-Threatening Act), (6) other strategies.We set up a design to clarify the influence of in-group and out-group relationships, with or without generation difference relationships, and the presence of pre-existing relationships between the addresser and the addressee on discourse structures and politeness strategies. By considering the aforementioned factors, we came up with the following combinations: (1) in-group older generation, (2) in-group same generation, (3) in-group younger generation, (4) solidary out-group older generation, (5) solidary out-group same generation, (6) solidary out-group younger generation, (7) ordinary solidary out-group older generation, (8) ordinary solidary out-group same generation, (9) ordinary solidary out-group younger generation, (10) non-solidary out-group older generation, (11) non-solidary out-group same generation, (12) non-solidary out-group younger generation, (13) non-solidary unacquainted older generation, (14) non-solidary unacquainted same generation, (15) non-solidary unacquainted younger generation.Our main findings show how discourse structures and politeness strategies are employed depending on different relationships.
- 2010-03-31
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