市場経済化と中国都市部の高齢者扶養者 : 瀋陽市を一例として
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論文This is a case study that focused on the support of aged people in urban China during the marketization process. Marketization has greatly affected not only the big economic environment but also the daily lives of countless people including those of the aged who retired before marketization took place. Under the old planned-economy system, almost all the welfare activities were executed through "Tanyi", or nation-owned working places. During the nation owned enterprise reform, one aspect of which was marketization, the welfare functions of "Tanyi" were broken down. However, some "Tanyi", such as government institutions and public service units, still kept welfare functions in the working place. l executed the interview research to investigate the actual conditions of support of aged people under marketization. The interviewees consisted of twelve aged people living in Shenyang. According to the interview data, whether "Taiyi" functions existed or not significantly influenced support of the aged. The interviewees were divided into four groups, based on their own economic conditions, as well as those of their children. The analys is of the four groups shows that the interviewees tended to choose self-support rather than support from their children, and that they tended to adjust their life designs to their children's conditions.
- 慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科の論文
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科 | 論文
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