データ包絡分析法による JRと大手私鉄の事業活動効率比較―― Inverted DEA/ウィンドー分析による JR旅客各社の推移 ――
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This study evaluates the relative efficiencies of Japan Railway companies and Japan’s major private railway companies,using various types of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The first step of the evaluation described the time series performance data analysis of the Japanese railway companies. The second step of the evaluation described the relative efficiencies of Japan Railway companies and Japan’s major private railway companies by using the DEA/Window Analysis (Data Envelopment Analysis/Window Analysis). As the third step of this evaluation, this paper evaluates the relative inefficiencies of Japan Railway companies and Japan’s major private railway companies by using the Inverted DEA/Window Analysis(Inverted Data Envelop-ment Analysis/Window Analysis)as a variation of Inverted DEA (Inverted Data Envelopment Analysis). In this paper, trends of the relative inefficiency of each Japan Railway company became clear by comparing with each Japan’s major private railway company.
- 2010-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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