A simple method of mutual translation between Japanese sentences and Horn clauses
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This paper presents a simple method of mutual translation between Japanese sentences and Horn clauses, which has been implemented in our analogical reasoning system as a man-machine interface. Natural language interface systems generally need complicated semantic processing using a large dictionary. However, such processing is not suitable for our interface system because the interface overhead becomes too large in comparison with the main reasoning processing and the vocabulary is limited by the dictionary. From this viewpoint, we adopt a textual processing. Our system does not have a large dictionary, but instead we put some restrictions on sentences inputted to the system; for example, each sentence should be separated into words by spaces and be expressed uniformly. We also present methods which keep input Japanese sentences natural and which remove ambiguities by the interaction between users and the system.
- 九州大学大学院総合理工学研究科の論文
- 1991-12-01
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- A simple method of mutual translation between Japanese sentences and Horn clauses
- 高等学校の教員の教材共有に対する意識調査