社会学における制度論 : メルロ=ポンティとの「交差」から
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論文The aim of this paper is to place Merleau-Ponty on the perspective of sociology, especially its theory of institution. It can be said that his concept of institutionalization is one of the most important in his thought, and also is the nearest to sociology. At first, I try to arrange the theories of institution in sociology. There are three points of view for this arrangement, action-pattern, meaning system, community. I concretely take up three discussions, Kazuo Seiyama (1995), Berger Luckmann (1966), Michio Nakajima (1997). Seiyama attaches importance to meaning system, Berger Luckmann does action-pattern, Nakajima does community. Here what is to be questioned is how institution generates and transforms. Because this question has ever been difficult to treat in sociology. For this reason, I particularly focus action-pattern in three points of view. And Examination of these three discussions in sociology directs my attention to a pre-renective field of action. This is needed in order to consider the generation, transformation of institution. Secondly, I pay attention to Merleau-Ponty, his concept of institutionalization. His idea of institutionalization also is based on the pre-reflective field. For example, the community of institution to which he refers is based on bodily intersubjectivity (intercorporeité). Taking advantage of Merleau-Ponty, I want to think about transformation of institution in this paper. This is why l have to take up his idea of meaning which is dependent on Saussure, Merleau-Ponty regards meaningas difference between signs. And he applies this idea to his concept of institutionalizalion. This means that transformation of institution, he thinks, takes place because of difference between repeated actions.
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