- 論文の詳細を見る
We report a rare case of lung cancer with cavitation that was caused by metastasis of urothelial carcinoma. A 73-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with macrohematuria and general fatigue in September 2003. Computed tomography revealed a left ureter tumor, which was removed by left nephroureterectomy in October 2003. However, a part of the ureter could not be resected because of the adhesion that had occurred after a previous operation. The patient was diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer, and she underwent sigmoidectomy and resection of the remaining part of the ureter in August 2004. Subsequently, transurethral resection was performed several times for bladder tumor. The pathological diagnosis in February 2005 was pT2. Cisplatin-based intra-arterial chemotherapy was performed because it was not possibleto perform a cystectomy dueto thepoor performancestatus. In March 2006, computed tomography of the chest revealed a mass shadow with a cavity in the left lower lung field. This was diagnosed as primary or metastatic lung cancer and was treated by left lower lobectomy in November 2006. On thebasis of thepathological findings, wediagnose d themass as metastatic tumor secondary to the urothelial carcinoma. Despite general chemotherapy, the patient's condition deteriorated, and the patient died 1 year later.
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