新尿路血管造影剤DR 108の泌尿器科領域における使用経験 (コンレイ400(特集))
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"DR 108 ", a new contrast medium, was used for sixteen excretory pyelographies and twelve renal arteriographies, and the following results were obtained. 1) In excretory pyelography, 19 out of 23 normal kidneys showed pyelograms of satisfactory visualization and clearity. When compared with Diatrizoate (76%) as to visualization on the same kidney, "DR 108" was rather superior to Diatrizoate except in the cases with obesity or without the ureteral compression. 2) Out of twelve renal arteriographies, the interlobar and arcuate arteries were clearly visualized in ten. When compared with Diatrizoate, rather quick transition from nephrogram to pyelogram was observed. 3) Intravascular injection of "DR 108" was much easier than the other contrast media ever used. This is an excellent aspect of this medium, because requirements such as practical usefulness and good visualization of renal arteriograms are satisfied. 4) Although vascular pain was rather frequently complained in renal arteriography, it was noteworthy that no side effects such as nausea and vomiting were observed at all in excretory pyelography.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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