水戸済生会病院における腎癌症例 - 臨床統計および興味ある2症例報告 -
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過去10年間に水戸済生会総合病院において経験した腎細胞癌症例9例に関する統計学的考察を行い,併せて著明な下大静脈腫瘍血栓を認め血栓除去を施行した症例と,転移性骨病変を主訴とし,99mTcリン酸化合物による全身骨シンチグラムで発見された腎摘および開胸による肋骨腫瘍摘除を行った症例を供覧したA tumor thrombus in the vena cava (infrahepatic) was identified in a 70-year-old male with chronic obstructive lung disease, and right nephrectomy and thrombectomy were performed successfully. Therefore, he enjoyed good health for 6 months until he developed bone metastasis in the vertebrae and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In another case of a 51-year-old male who presented with a mass in the posterior part of the chest; the biopsy specimen of the mass was reported to at least resemble renal-cell carcinoma. Subsequently, he underwent right nephrectomy and thoracotomy to remove the mass. He has since led an uneventful life without tumor recurrence. In our hospital from 1971 to 1980, 9 cases of renal-cell carcinoma have been experienced, including the above 2 cases. Their average age was 49.4 years, with ages ranging from 34 to 70 years. Seven patients presented with gross hematuria, and 2 patients, with flank pain. All 9 cases, all of whom underwent radical nephrectomy, were diagnosed pathologically as having renal cell carcinoma. The right side was involved in 3 cases, and the left, in 6 cases. The upper pole of the kidney was involved in 2 cases the middle in 1 case, and the lower in 5 cases. The mean 5-year survival rate was 69.2% and was closely associated with the tumor stage.
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