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8症例に施行し,その後8日目に腎全摘除を施行し検討した.1)摘出腎に対する抗腫瘍効果は期待に反し軽微であったが,腎茎リンパ節のsinus histocytosisの増強が認められた.2)末梢血においてOK-Ial陽性細胞の有意な増加と,PHAリンパ球幼若化率が変動しないにもかかわらずCon A幼若化率が低下したことより末梢血免疫能改善の可能性が示唆された.3)本剤動注後,全例で発熱を認めたが重篤な合併症はなかったIn 8 cases of operable renal cancer, selective intraarterial infusion of the streptococcal preparation, OK-432 was performed and its cytocidal effects on the surgical specimens, which were removed on the 8th day after infusion, were investigated histopathologically with immunological parameters of the peripheral blood. The histopathological study revealed a high grade of sinus histiocytosis of the renal pedicle lymph nodes, but the anti-tumor effect on renal tumors was not so marked in any of the 8 cases. OK-Ia-positive lymphoid cells of peripheral blood were increased significantly and Con-A stimulation index of blastogenesis was lowered without any change in the PHA stimulation index after the OK-432 infusion. No serious complications of the selective intraarterial infusion were experienced except for high fever (less than 38 degrees C). In conclusion, OK-432 selective intraarterial infusion was an effective method for improving regional and systemic immunoactivity, but the cytocidal effect against tumor cells could not be confirmed histopathologically.
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