腹膜外的および経尿道的手術後の腸管蠕動に対するProstaglandinF2α の臨床的効果
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四百数十例についての経験で,本剤は表題手術径路の如何を問わず,非投与に比べて排ガスまでの時間を短縮させたThe clinical effectiveness of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) injection on postoperative bowel movement was studied in 455 patients who underwent transurethral and transretroperitoneal operation. The patients were divided into two groups, 417 patients with PGF2 alpha injection and 38 without injection. 1,000 micrograms of PGF2 alpha were infused twice a day postoperatively until the onset of active flatus. The onset of flatus was recorded in each group. The onset of flatus after operation was 15 hours and 47 minutes for the injection group of 194 patients operated transurethrally, which was shorter than the 21 hours and 50 minutes for the uninjected group (p less than 0.01), but the onset of flatus was not significantly affected by the injection in the patients operated transretroperitoneally. Postoperative PGF2 alpha infusion facilitated flatus in the patients undergoing transretroperitoneal urologic surgery which took 1 and a half hours or more in doing so (p less than 0.05). Generally, postoperative paralytic ileus was milder after urological surgery than after bowel surgery, but PGF2 alpha injection was effective clinically both in transurethral surgery and transretroperitoneal surgery.
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