経皮的腎痩設置にて対処した尿管結石の2例 - 腎盂自然破裂をともなう尿管結石例と腎機能低下をともなう両側尿管結石例 -
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The first case is a 59-year-old man who had left flank pain and nausea. KUB, excretory urograms and CT scan showed a left ureteral stone at the ureterovesical junction associated with spontaneous rupture of the left renal pelvis. Percutaneous nephrostomy was performed. The ureteral stone was spontaneously discharged on the 4th postoperative day and extravasation of contrast medium from the left renal pelvis disappeared. The second case is a 42-year-old man who was admitted with bilateral flank pain, nausea and vomiting. KUB and excretory urograms showed bilateral hydronephrosis due to small bilateral ureteral stones. Serum BUN and creatinine had risen to 41 and 5.1 mg/dl, respectively, on the day after admission. Percutaneous nephrostomy to the left kidney was performed. BUN and creatinine were normalized immediately and the bilateral ureteral stones were spontaneously discharged by the 9th postoperative day. After the nephrostomy catheters were removed, no complications occurred in either case and KUB and excretory urograms showed normal findings.
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