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急性前立腺炎患者11例および急性副睾丸炎患者12例の血清中SAは,初診日には平均88.9 mg/dlで,健康成人男子例(17例,平均55.5 mg/dl)に比し有意の高値(p<0.001)を示し,3日後には平均92.7 mg/dlの最高値となり,以後漸減して28日後には平均63.5 mg/dlとなった.その変動パターンは,赤沈,α1-Gおよびα2-Gと類似していたThe serum sialic acid concentration in 17 male healthy adults, 11 patients with acute prostatitis and 12 patients with acute epididymitis was measured with a specific enzymatic assaykit. The concentration was studied in relation to erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total serum protein and its fraction, C-reactive protein, and white blood cell count. Blood samples were obtained from the patients immediately before antimicrobial chemotherapy and the subsequent 3, 5, 7, 14, and 28 days. The pretreatment sialic acid concentration in the patients was significantly greater than that in the control subjects (P greater than 0.001). The mean serum sialic acid concentration in the patients reached a maximum level 3 days after the beginning of the treatment, and then gradually decreased. There was a significant correlation between the daily change of the serum sialic acid level and those of the erythocyte sedimentation rate, alpha2-globulin, and alpha1-globulin. Serum sialic acid proved to be a useful biochemical marker in acute prostatitis and acute epididymitis.
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