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Non-germinal cell tumor of the testis is a rare disease, and vascular tumor of the testis is a still rarer disease. Herein, a case of cavernous hemangioma of the testis is reported. A 75-year-old man consulted our department with the complaint of a painless left intrascrotal tumor. Laboratory findings revealed slight leukocytopenia and thrombocytopenia of unknown origin. In chest X-ray, a diffuse reticular shadow was shown and it was considered due to pulmonary fibrosis, but, alpha-fetoprotein and CEA were normal. Left radical orchiectomy was performed under spinal anesthesia. The tumor existed under the tunica albuginea, and the cutting surface of the tumor was brown and irregular. There were hemorrhagic portions in some places. The left epididymis and the left spermatic cord were normal. Histologically, the tumor was diagnosed as cavernous hemangioma. The vascular tumor of the testis is a very rare disease, and only 17 cases have been reported including this case. This case was the 7th case of cavernous hemangioma of the testis, and the first case in Japan. This patient died of respiratory failure due to pulmonary fibrosis and pneumonia. In the autopsy, there was no abnormal finding that was considered to be related to the cavernous hemangioma of the testis.
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