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正常対照群8例,排尿障害のある前立腺肥大症群8例,末梢神経障害群4例,核上型神経因性膀胱群3例について検討した.Penis-Anusでは,正常人群31.5 msec.前立腺肥大症群33.0 msec.末梢神経障害群43.3 msec.核上型神経因性膀胱群37.0 msecであり,末梢神経障害群と,正常人群,前立腺肥大症群では有意差を認めた.Urethra-Anusでは,上記の順にそれぞれ65.4 msec. 65.4 msec. 80.0 msec. 72.5 msecであった.Penis-AnusとUrethra-Anusにおける相関係数は,r=0.59であった.以上のことより,この検査法は神経因性膀胱の障害部位や分類,器質的インポテンスの鑑別などに有用なものと考えられるEvoked response of bulbocavernosus reflex was taken in 8 normal control individuals and in 15 abnormal voiding patients (8 benign prostatic hyperplasia, 4 diabetic neuropathy, 3 supranuclear neurogenic bladder). the latency in control group showed 31.5 +/- 5.0 msec duration after penile stimulation and 65.4 +/- 11.0 msec duration after posterior urethral stimulation. The latency in diabetic neuropathy group was obviously prolonged but not that in the supranuclear neurogenic bladder group. This modern neurophysiological electrostimulation method provides simple and accurate information of bulbocavernosus reflex.
論文 | ランダム
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