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急性単純性膀胱炎の再発につき検討した.(1) CEX単独7日間治療群(C群)と,CEXにLysozyme併用7日間治療群(L群)のうち,7日目著効が得られた膀胱炎患者を対象に,14日目の再発を検討した.UTI研究会試案による判定では,再発率はC群12.2%,L群21.1%で,両群間に有意差はなかった.(2)7日目からの菌陰性化維持率は,21日目でC群68.4%,L群85.7%と,リゾチーム併用群で高かった.(3)再発例における菌種,MICの検討から,再燃と再感染が約1:1でみられた.(4)再発時の所見をみると,細菌尿,膿尿が主体であり,排尿痛は認められないものが多く,かつ患者の主観的症状であることから,「排尿痛」は再発判定の指標として不適当と考えられ,細菌尿と膿尿の二項目から判定するUTI研究会試案の妥当性が示唆されたRecurrence rate and symptoms after chemotherapy against acute uncomplicated cystitis (AUC) were studied. Upon completion of a 7-day treatment with two regimens, one of CEX alone (Group C) and the other of a combination of CEX with Lysozyme (Neuzym) (Group L), at a dose of 1 g CEX daily, efficacy of the drugs was assessed according to the criteria established by the UTI Study Group. The forty one cases in Group C and 38 cases in Group L showing an excellent response were evaluated for recurrence. The rates of recurrence were 12.2% in Group C and 21.1% in Group L during the first 7 days after treatment. In recurrent cases, bacteriuria was seen in 84.6% (11/13), pyuria in 53.8% (7/13) and miction pain in 30.8% (4/13). Thus, bacteriuria and pyuria should be the items of the criteria for AUC recurrence.
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