腎動静脈奇形に対するabsolute ethanol使用選択的血管栓塞術
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腎動静脈奇形の2例にabsolute ethanolを使用した選択的血管栓塞術を施行した.2例とも腎動静脈奇形は消失し,4ヵ月間の経過観察では,血尿の再発はないTwo cases of renal arteriovenous fistula were treated by transcatheter embolization using absolute ethanol. These were the first cases using absolute ethanol in Japan. The first case was of a 23-year-old male and the other case was of an 18-year-old female. Both patients were admitted to our hospital because of gross hematuria. A selective right renal arteriogram showed an arteriovenous fistula. Hemostasis was obtained by transcatheter embolization using absolute ethanol. The safety and efficacy of injection of ethanol compared with other solid materials and occlusive balloon catheter are reported and its indication for renal arteriovenous fistula is described.