インポテンス診断のためのLipo PGE1の陰茎海綿体内注射の検討 : Lipo PGE1とPGE1-CDとの比較検討
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1)PGE1-CD 20μg,Lipo PGE1 5μgおよびLipo PGE1 10μgを機能的インポテンス症例の陰茎海綿体内に注射した。2)肉眼的判定では,PGE1-CDおよびLipo PGE1 10μg投与群の全例がgoodであったが,Lipo PGE1 5μg投与群では8例中4例のみがgoodであった。注射から勃起発現までの時間,RigiScanによる各測定値および勃起反応持続時間のいずれにおいても3群間で有意差を認めなかった。3)Lipo PGE1 10μgはPGE1-CD 20μgと同等の効果を有していることが示唆されたIntracavernous injection of 20 micrograms prostaglandin E1-CD (PGE1-CD, 8 cases), 5 micrograms lipo prostaglandin E1 (Lipo PG-E1, 8 cases) or 10 micrograms Lipo PGE1 (9 cases) was performed in patients with functional impotence in order to comparatively analyze the diagnostic efficacy of these drugs. Full erection was observed in all patients who received intracavernous injection of 20 micrograms PGE1-CD or 10 micrograms Lipo PGE1. However, full erection was observed in 4 out of 8 patients administered 5 micrograms Lipo PGE1. RigiScan was used on all patients, and latency until erection (achievement of maximum rigidity of the base) after injection, maximum rigidity of the penile tip and base and circumferential expansion rate of the penile tip and base were measured. With regard to these RigiScan data and duration of erection, there were no significant differences among the 3 groups. There were no severe side effects in any of the patients. These findings indicate that 10 micrograms Lipo PGE1 and 20 micrograms PGE1-CD have similar effects and that Lipo PGE1 may be an effective drug for the diagnosis and treatment of impotence.
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