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A 38-year-old man visited our hospital because of swelling of left scrotal content. He had no history of trauma of scrotum, fever, pain or dysuria. Physical examination revealed a tumor larger than a fist in the left scrotum. Ultrasonography revealed an echogenic mass with echolucent area in the scrotum. Surgical extirpation of the left scrotal tumor was performed under the diagnosis of left testicular tumor. The mass was encapsulated by a white fibrous membrane and was 700 g in weight. The tumor contained 200 ml of dark brown pus-like material. Histological examination revealed deposition of cholesterine crista and infiltration of lymphocyte in tunica vaginalis with extremely atrophic testis, destructive spermatogenesis and atrophic epididymis. Twenty one cases of chronic scrotal hematocele have been reported in the Japanese literature. The age of the patients reported was 38 to 77 years old with a mean age of 65 years. Orchiectomy was done under the diagnosis of testicular tumor in 20 of the 21 cases. Our case was thought to be of an idiopathic chronic scrotal hematocele. The disease should be considered even in the absence of a particular cause such as injury and inflammation of scrotal content.
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