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A 32-year-old female visited our clinic with the chief complaints of macroscopic hematuria and pollakisuria in February 18, 1987. Cystoscopic examination revealed findings of cystitis but bleeding from the ureteral orifice was not observed. IVP showed right non visualized kidney and retrograde pyelography demonstrated right ureteral stenosis on the lower ureter and right hydronephrosis. Total hysterectomy, right oophorectomy and right ureterolysis were carried out in March 5. Right lower ureter was buried in the fibrous tissue approximately over 2 cm above the crossing with iliac vessels. Dark reddish colored small tumor was noticed in the stenosed ureter and resected. The histological diagnosis confirmed endometriosis. A total of 37 cases of ureteral endometriosis in the Japanese literature was reviewed.
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