前立腺に発生したphylloides tumorの一症例
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症例は58歳の男性,1986年8月,5年間続いた頻尿と高度の排尿障害のため三品泌尿器科を受診.直腸診にて,弾力硬,表面平滑な,くるみ大の左右対照的な前立腺を触知,経直腸的超音波断層撮影と逆行性尿道膀胱造影により膀胱内への小腫瘤の突出を確認し手術.腫瘍は,円柱上皮から成るcysticな腺成分の増生と巨細胞の混在した異型のある間葉系細胞の増生を認めphylloidestumorと診断.戻し電顕の結果,巨細胞は平滑筋由来であることが判明.術後3年以上経過するも経過は良好.前立腺に発生したphylloidcstumorの症例をreviewし,病理学的鑑別診断の要点を明らかにする.A case of phylloides tumor of the prostate in a 58-year-old male is presented. The tumor was composed of columnar cystic folds and pleomorphic stromal elements including bizarre giant cells. Electron microscopic examination, which was performed using specimens embedded in paraffin blocks, revealed that the bizarre giant cells originated from the smooth muscle. The postoperative course was uneventful, with no evidence of local recurrence or metastasis for more than 2 years after operation.