前立腺肥大症患者における抗男性ホルモン投与後の前立腺の形態学的変化の観察 - 経直腸的超音波断層法を用いて -
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Transrectal ultrasonotomography is useful in following patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy, because prostatic shape and weight are precisely assumed. We studied the effect of chlormadinone acetate (CMA) on benign prostatic hypertrophy. CMA (50 mg/day) was administered to 30 patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy. Weight reduction over 10% of the gland was noticed in 24 cases (80%). Mictional conditions were improved in 70% subjectively and in 71.4% objectively. However, the number of nocturia decreased in only 18.9%. Reduction rate of the weight was unrelated with the weight of prostate before administration of CMA. Duration of administration of CMA and the reduction rate were estimated. There was no definite difference in reduction rate for the first 15 months, but there was a slightly high reduction rate after administration of CMA for more than 24 months. In 3 cases, the shape and weight of prostate were studied after discontinuation of CMA. The size of prostate showed a tendency to increase gradually.
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