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Cisplatinの持続点滴を11例に施行し,点滴中および点滴終了後の血漿中のtotal Pt, filt-Ptを測定した.さらに,2コンパートメント・モデルに従い,非線型最小二乗法によりfilt-Ptの各種の薬理学的パラメーターを算出した.1)点滴終了後filt-Ptは二相性の減衰を示し,点滴終了22~24時間後でも測定範囲内にあった.filt-PtのT(1/2)βの延長,Cltotの低値が認められ,AUCは短期静注法の3倍以上の値を示し,薬理学的有利性を認めた.2)副作用では,消化器症状の高度の嘔吐は持続点滴により改善される傾向にあるものの,嘔気の持続日数は短縮されなかった.腎毒性は軽度であったCisplatin was administered to 11 patients as a continuous infusion, 25 mg/m2/day for 1 to 4 days. Total and filterable platinum in plasma were monitored for 12 courses and a pharmacokinetic study was carried out in 7 patients by computerized nonlinear least-squares analysis. Following interruption of the infusion, the decrease of plasma filterable platinum was biphasic, with initial and terminal half-life of 21.6 +/- 11.4 min and 31.7 +/- 27.1 hr. Filterable platinum was still detectable in plasma 24 hours after the end of infusion. The total AUC exposure of filterable platinum for 24 hrs, 48 hrs and 96 hrs infusion were 3.67, 13.68 and 14.75, which were at least 3-fold higher than that observed for the short-term infusion of equal dose in literature. Gastrointestinal toxicity was evaluated and compared with short-term infusion of equal dose. In the continuous-infusion patients, the reduction of vomiting was observed but the duration of nausea was not shortened.
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