Lomefloxacin (NY-198)の前立腺組織ならびに前立腺液移行
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新規ニューキノロン剤であるLomefloxacin内服時の前立腺組織ならびに前立腺液への移行性について検討した.本剤200 mg内服時の組織内濃度は,内服2時間後1.55±0.43 μg/g (mean±SD),4時間後2.07±1.16 μg/g, 6時間後1.45±0.22 μg/gであり,対血清濃度比はそれぞれ1.57±0.47, 1.83±0.53, 1.39±0.06であった.前立腺液移行は慢性前立腺炎患者と健常ボランティア群に分けて検討したが,両群間に有意差はなかった.本剤200 mg内服時の液内濃度は,内服1時間後0.71±0.45 μg/ml, 2時間後0.71±0.38 μg/ml, 4時間後には0.36±0.06 μg/mlであり,対血清濃度比はそれぞれ0.77±0.27, 0.67±0.21, 0.36±0.04であった.本剤は既存のニューキノロン剤と同様優れた前立腺移行性を有していたThe concentration of Lomefloxacin (NY-198), a new quinolone, in human prostatic tissue and fluid was examined. Lomefloxacin was concentrated in prostatic gland and the mean ratios of prostatic tissue levels to serum levels (P/S) were 1.39-1.83 during 2 to 6 hrs after administration. Concerning prostatic fluid concentrations, there were no significant differences between healthy volunteers and patients with chronic prostatitis. The mean ratios of prostatic fluid levels to serum levels (Pf/S) were 0.36-0.77 during 1 to 4 hrs after administration. The concentration of Lomefloxacin in the prostatic tissue and fluid is high enough to eradicate the majority of pathogens causing bacterial prostatitis.
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