表在性膀胱腫瘍に対するレンサ球菌製剤, OK-432による局所療法およびOK-432と腫瘍との共通抗原性
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OK-432が膀胱腫瘍に対し有効なBRMであるか否かの検討のため,表在性膀胱腫瘍38症例に対しOK-432の膀注またはその経尿道的腫瘍内局注を施行し,その10日後の抗腫瘍効果を判定した.OK-432と腫瘍との間の抗原交差反応性の存在と抗腫瘍効果との関係も併せて検討した.1)有効例は膀注28例中6例,局注10例中3例であり,他の症例はすべて不変であった.これらの有効全例はgrade 1,おのおの1例を除く症例はすべてstage Taであった.2) OK-432抗体を一次抗体としたPAP陽性反応は膀注例の66.7%,局注例の40.0%で認め,これら抗原陽性例中膀注例では66.7%,局注例では75.0%の症例で,腫瘍の消失を認めた.一方,不変例においても,膀注の9.1%,局注の14.3%の症例で抗OK-432抗原を認めた.3) OK-432の局所投与は膀胱腫瘍に対し有効であり,OK-432と腫瘍との共通抗原の存在は,この抗腫瘍効果の発現の一因であることIn 38 patients with superficial bladder, local immunotherapy with streptococcal preparation OK-432 has been performed. We investigated whether OK-432 was an effective biological response modifier (BRM) against bladder tumors or not, and the relationship between the common antigens which OK-432 shared with the tumors, and antitumor effects of OK-432. In six out of 28 patients treated by intravesical instillation, and three out of 10 cases treated by intratumor injection, tumors were eliminated endoscopically. In the other patients, the tumors did not change. The PAP study using an anti-OK-432 antibody, showed a positive reaction in 66.7% of the instillation cases and in 40.0% in the injection cases. In 66.7% of the patients with the common antigens treated by the instillation and in 75.0% of patients with the antigens treated by the injection, tumors were eliminated. However, the PAP study showed a positive reaction in 9.1% of the no-change cases treated by the instillation and in 14.3% out of the no-change cases treated by the injection. We concluded that OK-432 was a favorable BRM for topical immunotherapy against bladder tumor and the presence of the common antigens between OK-432 and tumor may enhance the immune response of patients and promote tumor regression.
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