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1995年8月迄の9年間に当大学及びその関連施設において治療した成人の精巣腫瘍148例について検討した. 1)病期別,病理組織別に分類した結果.セミノーマ群は99例で,stage Iが90例,stage IIが7例,stage IIIが2例であった.またNSGCT群は49例で,stage Iが31例,stage IIAが3例,stage IIBが4例,stage IIIが11例であった. 2)著者等の統一した治療指針に沿わない解析除外例が,セミノーマ群で7例,SNGCT群で15例あった. 3)セミノーマ群のstage Iでは,異常所見がなければ基本的に,surveillance policyとするSince April 1986, a prospective clinical trial for testicular cancer has been underway by our Nara Uro-Oncology Research Group. One hundred and forty-eight cases of germ cell tumor were entered into this study between April, 1986 and August, 1995. They included 99 cases (66.9%) of seminoma and 49 cases (33.1%) of non-seminomatous germ cell tumor (NSGCT). The mean age of seminoma cases (39.7 yrs) was higher than that (30.2 yrs) of NSGCT cases. One hundred and twenty-three cases were treated according to our protocol. In the treatment group, one patient with stage I seminoma died of other diseases and one patient each with stage II and stage III seminoma died of cancer. Three patients with stage III NSGCT died of cancer. The 5-year survival rate was 100% for stage I seminoma, and stage I and stage II NSGCT, 75.0% for stage II seminoma, 0% for stage III seminoma and 66.7% for stage III NSGCT. These findings suggest that new treatment modalities should be introduced into our protocol in the future.
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