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1994年6月からの1年間,高血圧等の慢性疾患で通院中の102例(60歳代36例,70歳代49例,80歳以上17例)について,chemiluminescence法により前立腺特異抗原(PSA)を測定した.PSA 3.0ng/ml以上(正常値は2.22ng/ml)の例は36例(35.3%)で,うち20例は泌尿器科を受診して直腸内指診(DRE)と経直腸的超音波検査(TRUS)を行った.16例ではTRUS誘導前立腺生検を行ったが,PSA 10ng/ml以上の15例中7例で前立腺癌を発見した.即ち,前立腺癌発見率は6.9%(7/102)で,日本人についての従来の健診による発見率の約4倍と高率であった.PSAによるスクリーニングは前立腺癌早期発見に有用と思われるScreening was performed on 102 patients aged 60 years or older who visited the Outpatient Department of Internal Medicine in Tane General Hospital between June 1994 and May 1995. Of those screened, 36 patients (35.3%) had elevated prostate specific antigen (PSA) values, and 20 of them visited the Urological Department, and underwent digital rectal examination (DRE) and transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) for further screening. Of the 16 patients who underwent ultrasound guided biopsies of the prostate, 7 patients were found to have prostate cancer. Therefore, the cancer detection rate was 6.9%, which was about 4 times higher than that of mass-screening examinations previously reported in the Japanese literature. These findings suggested that the screening using PSA in outpatients of Internal Medicine may be useful for the early detection of prostate cancer.
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