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当院泌尿器科で発見された尿路***癌392例の中,重複癌(三重癌も含む)と診断された42例について臨床的検討を行った. 1)発生頻度は重複癌9.9%,三重癌0.7%であった.男女比は5:1であった. 2)尿路***系重複癌の臓器別発生頻度は単発癌のそれとほぼ同じであったが,前立腺癌にやや多い傾向がみられた. 3)他臓器系の癌の組み合わせでは,胃癌,膵癌など消化器系の癌の比率が高い傾向がみられた. 4)発生間隔は同時性(1年未満)16例,異時性29例で同時性も含め34例の例が5年以内に第二の癌が発生していたBetween October 1980 and December 1994, we treated 392 patients with malignant neoplasms associated with genitourinary organs. We made a statistical study on 42 patients (10.6%) with multiple malignant neoplasms. The average age of 42 patients was 72.2 years and 83% of the patients were male. Malignant neoplasms originating from bladder, prostate or kidney were observed in 19 cases (35%), 19 cases (35%) or 10 cases (11%), respectively. The incidence of prostatic cancer was higher than that in other single primary malignant neoplasms associated with genitourinary organs. The other organs having malignant neoplasms accompanying genitourinary organs were the stomach (39%), lungs (12%), esophagus (9%), and pancreas (9%). Only 16 patients (35%) had synchronous multiple malignant neoplasms. However, 35 cases (75%) including these cases had second primary malignant neoplasms within 5 years of the first. In conclusion, the incidence of multiple malignant neoplasms with genitourinary cancer was as high as 10.6% and the prognosis of these patients was poor. These findings suggest the necessity of careful follow-up on patients with genitourinary cancer.
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