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腎嚢胞性病変を伴う腎細胞癌について,AFIPのHartmanらの分類を中心に,形態的および組織学的に整理,考察を試みた.また,complicated renal cystic massの鑑別について,自験例を提示しながら画像診断,嚢胞穿液の検査所見に関し文献的考察を行ったApproximately 15% of cases of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) present cystic configuration on radiologic and pathologic examination. The mechanisms of cyst formation in RCC are intrinsic multilocular cystic growth (multiloculated renal cell carcinoma: MCRCC), unilocular cystic growth (cystadenocarcinoma), cystic necrosis and tumor growth from the epithelial lining of a preexisting cyst. These cystic lesions accompanying RCC are often difficult to differentiate from the multiloculated renal cyst (MLC) or other benign cystic lesions such as hemorrhagic cyst and so on. Differential diagnosis of the complicated renal cystic lesions is discussed in this review.
論文 | ランダム
- 1 日本の伝統音楽の学習(III 新しい教材の導入)
- メタボリックシンドロームに重点をおいた特定健診・特定保健指導--厚生労働省の生活習慣病対策 (メタボリックシンドロームと特定健診)
- 共同市場のためのヨ-ロッパ特許に関する条約(資料) (ECにおける法制度の研究)
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