尿管異所開口を伴う骨盤腎症例に見られた陰嚢内Fibrous pseudotumorの1例
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A case of intrascrotal fibrous pseudotumor accompanied by pelvic kidney with ectopic ureteral opening is reported. The patient was a 65-year-old man with the complaint of swelling of the right scrotal contents. Ultrasonography showed a heterogeneous mass with acoustic shadow from the right epididymis to right spermatic cord. Intravenous pyelography revealed a non-visualizing right kidney. Endoscopic examination was performed because of the right non-functioning kidney and right epididymectomy was performed. Endoscopic findings showed that the ureteral opening existed at 6 degrees of the bladder neck. Retrograde pyelography demonstrated the right kidney in the pelvic cavity. The tumor was stony hard and 30 x 50 mm in size. Pathological diagnosis of the tumor was a fibrous pseudotumor. We reviewed and discussed 22 cases of fibrous pseudotumor, including our case, in the Japanese literature.
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