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根本的腎摘出術をおこなった5cm以下の腎癌31症例に対して,ステップセクションを作製し主腫瘍以外の腫瘍性病変を病理学的に検索した。1) 2例に微小腎癌,4例に微小腺腫を認めた。2)腎保存手術の適応はかぎられ,慎重に選択すべきで,対側腎機能が正常の場合は根治的腎摘出術がスタンダードと思われたTo examine the indication of nephron sparing operations, we searched 31 nephrectomized kidneys with renal cell carcinoma for small associated lesions in the normal-appearing portion of these kidneys. The diameter of the predominant tumors was between 15 and 50 mm. The kidneys were serially sectioned at 5-mm intervals, and all sections were examined microscopically. Two of the 31 kidneys had a small renal cell carcinoma, and four had a small adenoma in the normal-appearing portion. We recommend that the nephron-sparing operation should be is performed limitedly and that radical nephrectomy is yet a standard operation in the presence of a normal contralateral kidney.
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