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74歳男,血清CA-19-9値とCA-125値の高値を示す腎結石による水腎症を経験した。腎盂尿のこれらの値は高く,摘出腎の腎盂粘膜にCA-19-9とCA-125が証明された。悪性細胞は認めなかった。腎摘出後のこれらの値は正常値に戻ったA case of hydronephrosis caused by renal stones with elevated serum levels of carbohydrate antigens 19-9 (CA-19-9) and 125 (CA-125) is reported. A 74-year-old woman was hospitalized with pyelonephritis. The results of computerized tomography and endoscopy suggested that the patient did not have pancreatic or ovarian cancer, but laboratory tests were significant for serum CA-19-9 greater than 1,000 U/ml (normal less than 37) and serum CA-125 78 U/ml (normal less than 35), which are markers for such tumors. Abdominal X-ray films showed stones in the pelvis of the right kidney. Excretory urography showed that the right kidney was not functioning. Computerized tomography showed severe right hydronephrosis with a thin renal cortex. Complete obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction of the kidney was seen by retrograde pyelography. During percutaneous pyelography, aspiration of the pelvic urine was done, and the sample had a high concentration of CA-19-9 (250,000 U/ml), but no cancer cells. The patients underwent right nephrectomy. The pelvic urine was tested for both CA-19-9 and CA-125 this time, and both were high (190,000 U/ml and 5,100 U/ml, respectively). Pathological evaluation showed no evidence of a malignant tumor. The epithelium lining the renal pelvis was stained for both CA-19-9 and CA-125 using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method. Serum levels of the markers returned to normal after nephrectomy.
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- 血清CA-19-9値とCA-125値が高値を示した腎結石による水腎症の1例
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