Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis using human bones and hair from Philippine burial sites
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In order to understand the diet of the past human population in the Philippines, we analyzed stable isotopic compositions of 61 individuals from five burial sites with different geographical locations, environmental conditions and subsistence strategies. The carbon stable isotope ratio (δ13C) and nitrogen stable isotope ratio (δ15N) of bone collagen and hair were used to estimate dietary protein resources of the population. The Batanes site is located at about 200 km north from the north coast of Luzon and about 150 km south from Taiwan, with the so-cal1ed boat-shaped and jar burials (355±70 BP). Results of δ13C (16.6±1.3‰) and δ15N (9. 8±1.7‰) values for bone collagen from 21 individuals showed that dietary protein resources had more dependence on marine ecosystems than that on terrestrial resources. The isotopic values vary due to the burial types: both δ13C and δ15N values of the specimens from the boat-shaped and jar burials were higher than those from both the primer pit burial. In the Lal-lo site (N=11) of Northern Luzon which is famous for its huge shell midden (3400-1000 years ago), δ13C and δ15N values were -19±1.2‰ and 9.7±1.6‰ respectively. Resu1ts showed a diet more dependent on terrestrial resources than others, because freshwater shells indicated terrestrial values. Hair samples from the 13th century old mummies (N=3) at Kabayan in Benguet Mountain Province, northwest of Luzon had the average value of -17±1.0‰ for δ13C and 8.0±1.0‰ for δ15N reflecting a diet dependent on both terrestrial and aquatic resources. The average value of the Santa Ana site (N=8) in Manila (about 1095 AD) were -15.2±3.3‰ for δ13C and 10.4±0.7‰ for δ15N values, suggesting highest dependence on marine ecosystem among the 5 sites. Romblon site (N=18) in Central Philippines (13th-14th centuries) yielded the average δ13C value of -17.4±2.3‰ and δ15N value of 10.1±1.1‰ indicating protein resources dependent on both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. In all the sites, the δ13C and δ15N values lack gender-based difference.フィリピンにおける古代人の食性を調べるため、それぞれ異なった地理的位置・環境条件・生業戦略をもつ5箇所の遺跡から出土した61個体の炭素・窒素安定同位体比(O13C and OI5N) を分析した。Batanes諸島はLuzon島北端から約200km、台湾から150kmに位置し、いわゆる船型埋葬と聾棺埋葬(355±70B.P.) が知られている。21個体の人骨コラーゲン分析の結果、δ13C値は16.6±1.3‰、δ15C値は9. 8±1.7‰で、食料中の蛋白源がやや海洋生態系に依存していることを示した。同位体比は埋葬形式で異なり、船型埋葬と聾棺埋葬の人骨のδI3C・δ15Nはともに土坑墓のものよりも高かった。一方、Luzon島北部に位置するLal-lo貝塚遺跡群(1000 BP)から出土した11個体では、δ13C値が-19±1.2‰、δ15N値が9.7±1.6‰で、より陸上生態系に依存すること示し、貝塚を構成する淡水員が陸上生態系に属する値をもつことと整合的であった。北西Luzon島のBenguet山地にあるKabayan遺跡、は13世紀のミイラを産出する遺跡で、3体のミイラの毛髪はδ13C値が-17±1.0‰、δ15N値が8.0±1.0‰で、陸上と内水面生態系の両者を利用していたことを示唆した。マニラ郊外のSantaAna遺跡(about1095 AD) の8個体では、δ13C値が-15.2±3.3‰、δ15N値が10.4±0.7‰で、5つの遺跡中、最も海洋生態系に依存していた。フィリピン中央部のRomblon島遺跡(13th-14th centuries)の18体の骨コラーゲンはδ13C値が-17.4±2.3‰、δ15N値が10.1±1.1‰で陸上と内水面生態系の両者を利用していたことを示唆した。またこれらの5遺跡において、δ13C・δ15N値の性差はいずれもみとめられなかった。
- 2010-03-20
論文 | ランダム
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