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症例は70歳男で,5年前に膀胱癌に対して膀胱全摘除術及び回腸導管造設術を施行され,経過観察中であったが,回腸導管のストーマ付近を中心とした下腹部痛と,発熱,悪寒,戦慄が出現した.回腸導管からの尿流がなく,ストーマの色調が暗黒色で尿管カテーテルも挿入不能であり,回腸導管出口付近での絞扼,閉塞による両側水腎症から腎盂腎炎を生じたと考え,緊急に両側経皮的腎瘻造設術を行った.その後血圧低下,腎瘻からの尿量減少を認め,血液培養からグラム陰性桿菌が検出された.腎盂腎炎から敗血症性ショックを来たしたと診断した.ドーパミン,輸液,抗菌薬投与を行い,更にDIC発症に対して血小板輸血,ATIII,低分子ヘパリン等の投与を行った.3~5病日でDICから脱却し,炎症所見も改善された.回腸導管に関しては腎瘻造設時にカテーテル挿入可能となり,ストーマの色調も良好となって順調に回復し,退院となった.その後腫瘍の再発や回腸導管のトラブルはないA 70-year-old man with bladder cancer received a total cystectomy and an ileal conduit 64 months before he visited our hospital with complaints of lower abdominal pain, shaking and chilliness. Bilateral hydronephrosis due to an ileal conduit obstruction were observed on the ultrasonography. Bacterial culture from blood and urine samplings revealed E. coli. Under the diagnosis of urosepsis, the administration of anti-biotics and bilateral percutaneous nephrostomy were performed. However, he suffered from septic shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Therefore, the treatments for DIC were done, and they were effective. The obstruction of the ileal conduit was cured spontaneously. No recurrence or metastases were found on ultrasonography and computed tomographic scan for 12 months after these treatments.
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