骨盤骨折に伴う難治性尿道狭窄に対し永久留置型尿道ステント(Urolume Wallstent)を留置した若年男性の1例
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The patient was a 15-year-old boy, who sustained pelvic fracture and complete disruption of the urethra in a traffic accident. The previous doctor performed two-staged treatment for complete disruption of the urethra, which ended in postoperative urethral stricture. We performed two sessions of endoscopic operations and a pull-through procedure, but the procedures were not effective. Five years later, a urethral stent was indwelt. Urolume Wallstent of AMS, Co, Ltd. was used as the urethral stent. At 4 months, the stent started to be enveloped in the urethral epithelia and no complications have been found in particular. However, detention of a permanent-type stent in a young man such as ours remains a controversial issue and long-term follow-up is needed.
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