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予後不良因子を有する進行性胚細胞腫に対する末梢血幹細胞移植併用超大量化学療法は安全で有用な手段と思われるが,本療法に問題点も残されているWe examined the clinical results of super high-dose chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) in 14 patients with poor-risk advanced germ cell tumors. The mean number of nadir white blood cells was 205 +/- 126/microliter; the mean period of number of white blood cells fewer than 1,000/microliter was at 8-10 days (mean +/- SD; 9.2 +/- 0.92). The nadir number of blood platelet cells was 1.7 +/- 0.70 x 10(4)/microliter; the mean period of number of platelet cells fewer than 5 x 10(4)/microliter was at 12.6 +/- 2.17 days. Of 10 patients treated with super high-dose chemotherapy with PBSCT as induction therapy, 8 patients (80%) showed that the serum tumor marker returned within the normal range after super high-dose chemotherapy. Of 8 patients, 7 underwent resection of the residual tumor. Surgical or pathological CR was obtained in 5 of these 7 patients, 4 patients of whom were alive with no evidence of disease 29 to 49 months after initial consultation: the other patient died with recurrence 20 months after initial visit. On the other hand, super high-dose chemotherapy with PBSCT was performed for one patient as consolidation, and for 3 patients with recurrence. Of these 4 patients, one died from disease 6 months after detection of recurrence. The other 3 patients were alive with no evidence of disease at 7-37 months after initial visit. The 1- and 3-year disease-free survival rates were 88% and 72%, respectively. In conclusion, super high-dose chemotherapy with PBSCT can be done safely and could be useful for patients with poor-risk germ cell tumor.
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