A case of adenocarcinoma with clear cell carcinoma of the bladder
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65歳男.腫瘍はクルミ大で膀胱前壁に存在した.根治的膀胱全摘除術,尿道吻合ヘミコックパウチ造設術を行った.病理組織所見は明細胞癌の成分を伴った低分化腺癌であった.術後18ヵ月で全身転移をきたし死亡したA case of adenocarcinoma with clear cell carcinoma of the bladder in a 65-year-old male is reported. Our patient had a walnut-sized nodular tumor located on the anterior wall of the bladder. The patient underwent radical cystoprostatectomy with urethral hemi-Koch pouch. Histopathological examination revealed a lesion composed of poorly-differentiated adenocarcinoma and clear cell carcinoma with diffuse sheet patterns of cells with abundant, clear cytoplasm. The patient died of general metastasis 18 months after operation. To our knowledge this is the first case of adenocarcinoma with clear cell carcinoma arising from the anterior wall of the bladder in a male.
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- A case of adenocarcinoma with clear cell carcinoma of the bladder
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