A case of bilateral testicular calcifications in a bicycle motocross rider accompanied by bulbar urethral injury
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21歳の日本人男性がBMX競技中に会陰部を強打し,会陰部疼痛,肉眼的血尿,陰嚢皮下出血を訴え受診した.逆行性尿道造影にて球部尿道に造影剤の溢流があり,断裂が明らかとなった.陰嚢超音波検査では両側精巣内に複数の小石灰化が認められた.オフロード用自転車のサドルによる持続的な衝撃と振動のために生じた精巣の石灰化の1例を報告する(著者抄録)A 21-year-old Japanese man who was a professional bicycle motocross rider injured his perineum during a competition. Chief complaints were gross hematuria, perineal pain, and subcutaneous ecchymosis of the scrotum. Urethrocystography revealed a torn bulbar urethra and extravasation in the same region. Scrotal ultrasonography revealed small calcifications in the bilateral testes. Here, we report a case of bilateral testicular calcifications caused by the continuous shock and vibration of the saddle in an off-road bicycle rider.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
- APP-040 前立腺癌に対するトラニラストの抗腫瘍効果の検討(前立腺癌/基礎,総会賞応募ポスター,第96回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- A case of bilateral testicular calcifications in a bicycle motocross rider accompanied by bulbar urethral injury
- LNCaP および PC-3 細胞を用いたヒト前立腺癌モデルについて : 同所移植と精巣内移植モデルの比較 : 第86回日本泌尿器科学会総会
- SCIDマウスにおけるPSA産生前立腺癌細胞のリンパ節転移および実質臓器への微小転移モデルの確立