A case of a large inguinoscrotal bladder hernia secondary to benign prostatic obstruction
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77歳男性.前立腺肥大症を合併し,陰嚢まで達した巨大膀胱ヘルニアを報告した.患者は,前立腺肥大症にて通院中,右陰嚢腫大を自覚した.精査の結果,膀胱ヘルニアと診断され,恥骨上式被膜下前立腺摘除術・ヘルニア根治術を施行された.術後,排尿状態は改善し,膀胱造影上も膀胱の位置・形状ともに正常となったLarge bladder hernias protruding into the scrotum are rare, with 23 cases having been reported previously in Japan. We report a case of a patient with a bladder hernia secondary to benign prostatic obstruction who demonstrated a unique voiding procedure. The patient manually compressed his scrotum at micturition to facilitate bladder emptying. He underwent subcapsular prostatectomy, followed by inguinal hernia repair. Postoperatively, the voiding procedure and urinary flow returned to normal. We should pay attention to symptoms of bladder hernia in the follow-up of patients with bladder outlet obstruction.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
- A case of a large inguinoscrotal bladder hernia secondary to benign prostatic obstruction
- PSA高値患者への低脂肪高大豆蛋白食介入後のPSA変化と前立腺癌発生頻度